Air Force Testing Robot
Eglin Air Force Base’s new robotic security dog “GUS” has a face, of sorts, with two cameras that look similar to eyes. Researchers at Eglin are testing this Ghost Robotics security robot for potential use as a security asset for facilities on base and also for Eglin’s extensive test ranges.

Brian Mitchell, pipeline coordinator for the Air Force Research Lab’s Munitions Directorate, gives a demonstration of the base’s new robotic security dog “GUS.” Researchers at Eglin Air Force Base are testing the Ghost Robotics Vision 60 series robot for potential use as a security asset for base facilities as well as on Eglin’s extensive test ranges.

When not being used, Eglin Air Force Base’s new robotic security dog “GUS” can fold down and fit into a carrying case. Researchers at Eglin are testing this Ghost Robotics security robot for potential use as a security asset for facilities on base and also for Eglin’s extensive test ranges.